Orinda, California
Our goal is to keep Sleepy Hollow a safe and secure neighborhood. To that end, we strongly encourage you to read this helpful and comprehensive guide to do-it-yourself safety, which addresses home security, identity theft, personal safety, fire safety, and more.
There are also other actions that each of us can take to keep our community safe and your home within it secure:
Get to know your neighbors. Plan neighborhood get togethers. Offer yourself as a resource to help others. Reach out to your Block Captain or, better yet, become a Block Captain! A close-knit community where folks look out for each other contributes to safety in a big way.
Drive slowly and carefully. Our charming community has narrow and windy roads. Come to a complete stop at stop signs and make room for pedestrians and cyclists.
Be careful when walking. Wear reflective clothing. Carry a flashlight at night. Be aware of your surroundings and on the lookout for vehicles that might not be able to see you.
Exercise caution when out of town. Put your newspapers and mail on hold and use timers on your lights. Ask your neighbors to keep an eye on your house and notify you - or the police! - of any suspicious activity.
Install and properly use a security system. It's important to use it even when you are away for a short period of time. Most burglaries happen quickly and in the middle of the day.
Many thanks to the Orinda Police Department for installing a solar security camera at the Sleepy Hollow gates, which does a great job of taking photos of cars entering and leaving our community.